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You should add indicators or signs such as "Consider revisiting previous areas" or even some minimap which can indicate which section is unvisited. I had to go into the UndertaleModTool to find the section of the map which I hadn't explored yet, otherwise I would have never guessed that I had to go from the underworld dark stage all the way back to the start of the map in the grass stage.

Sorry for the inconvenience, trying to encourage exploration I went a little overboard...

I will analyze the feasibility of adding a minimap that shows the areas and highlights those already visited to add this feature in the next update ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ

Thank you very much for your feedback (👍≖‿‿≖)👍

(1 edit)

I wish there was a free demo of this... I can't buy this... >;


Wish there was a free demo of this.... I cannot buy this..... >;

Add Turkish language please🥺

No, it is not necessary. There is very little amount of text, anyone should be able to enjoy the game regardless of their language

¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯

If the text is less, your work will be less. Please do it. I love the game even more when it is only in Turkish language.

Ich habe eine Frage zur Galerie. Wie genau kann ich auf Android die Animation starten? Ich habe jede Taste gedrückt die ich drücken konnte aber es kam keine Animation

You probably didn't have enough coins.

Animations start playing with the attack button.

(Spends 5 coins per animation)


Ah OK, danke. Habe nicht drauf geachtet 😅

Bekommt man beim längeren spielen viele Münzen?

Coins accumulates throughout different games. Although each enemy gives a single coin per game ٩(˘◡˘)۶


Android version please


Working on this 👍(≖ᴥ≖👍)


Finally, port to android done ٩(˘◡˘)۶